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General Discussion => Admins 4 Admins => Topic started by: sueg22 on August 28, 2001, 12:11:28 am

Title: Solo Calendaring
Post by: sueg22 on August 28, 2001, 12:11:28 am
Just curious - how many of you fully maintain the calendar for your boss?   Meaning that you see available time, you schedule it, and if anyone asks bossie about setting up a meeting, they say "call my office goddess" (or something to that effect)?  Or, does anyone support a person who won't have you calendar for them - any phone call or request for a meeting must be cleared through bossie prior to being set up?

Just wondering about this today.


Title: Re: Solo Calendaring
Post by: radaro on August 28, 2001, 12:41:09 am
I maintain calendars for 4 people.  I "solo" calendar for my boss (Sr. VP) and calendar for 3 VPs.  The VPs sometimes add their own meetings but my boss won't let anyone book anything for him without checking with me first.

Title: Re: Solo Calendaring
Post by: ocblnd on August 28, 2001, 12:47:20 am
Previous boss here and current boss here almost don't know how to use their Lotus notes calendars....if anything is going to be posted I do it.  Current boss does know how to move email invitations to calendar, just never does the reschedule notices when they come I have to keep track of that and keep him current.  He is known for scheduling something, not telling me, it does not get on calendar and then something else comes along that I know about and it gets put on the calendar and then we have conflicts...he is getting better trained so there are fewer conflicts.

Prior life I did scheduling for counseling center and those therapists knew not to schedule anything themselves...everything had to go thru front desk, because I was also getting phone calls with reschedules, new schedules, etc.....any other way and we would have had pile up in the hallways.

Title: Re: Solo Calendaring
Post by: juspeachy on August 27, 2001, 01:06:23 pm
I keep the Director and Deputy Director's Calendars using Microsoft Outlook. I have "Editor" permission to both of their calendars. I can set up appointments and respond on my bosses behalf to invitations sent by others using Outlook's wonderful calender options. I gave "Reviewer" permission to all five Department Heads and their Secretaries. Also, the General, his Chief of Staff, and his Secretary have "Reviewer" permission. Anyone else trying to schedule an appointment for them will only be able to see the time as "Blocked."

I added both of their calendars to my Outlook shortcut bar so either calendar is a click away.

Also, I provide both bosses with a daily printout that they can put into their DayPlanner and carry with them where ever they go.

JusPeachy (I just LOVE Outlook!) in GA  

Title: Re: Solo Calendaring
Post by: countrigal on August 27, 2001, 02:13:20 pm
Like JustPeachy, my bossie receives a print-out version of his daily calendar to carry with him.  He does some scheduling on his own but after one or two overbooks (which he contacted the party he scheduled unbeknownst to me and rescheduled) he learned not to make definite plans unless they would outweigh any that I make (namely, HIS bossie makes an appt with him directly).  Most people have learned to go through me then.  Now if I could get folks to quit telling me when they're meeting with him and others and get them to ask me if he's available.  Trivial thing supposedly but what happens when they schedule a meeting for him and others and he's not available?  Just cause the others are doesn't mean he will be.

Pet peeve of mine.....  :::::fuming:::::

Title: Re: Solo Calendaring
Post by: goldenearring on August 29, 2001, 12:53:24 am
I used to schedule for a not-too-nice (euphemism) bossie, and before I left <snicker> I made his last go-round of meetings (approximately 25-30) a living hell.  Yes, I did.  I confess.  I did it on purpose, even though I've never done anything so sinister either before or since.  Bwa ha ha ha haha!  He lived and died by his personal motto that, once scheduled we NEVER rescheduled.  So . . . can you "stack 4 up in one day with no break and on opposite ends of town"?  There truly are opportunities for some justice in some situations.

Title: Re: Solo Calendaring
Post by: radaro on August 28, 2001, 02:16:20 pm
Note to self:  never tick off GE!

Title: Re: Solo Calendaring
Post by: goldenearring on August 28, 2001, 02:30:11 pm
Yeah, that's right, Radar:  never tick off GE.  LOL

Title: Re: Solo Calendaring
Post by: goldenearring on August 28, 2001, 02:40:58 pm
And, hey, it was only 3-4 weeks of duress for him as compared to my 5 years of being the EA (for emotionally abused)!  Sorry (NOT!), but I'm still giggling.  He has gone through an assistant a year since I left if that makes any of you feel better who may consider my lapse less-than-professional (because I'll be the first to admit that it was).  His 3rd EA (also emotionally abused) and I get together for dinner once in awhile.  Come to think of it, it is pretty sad that after this long that our stories are still so funny to us.  We nearly "p" our pants, and so do the former coworkers who sometimes join us, because they have their own stories from the same firm.  Ah, well, we'll get a life in that department some day.  Just watch out, you hiring managers, because we are out there, and we are reeeeaally wise now, with an arsenal of Games We Learned From Watching YOU!  You better treat us right!!!!   [Oh, where is the Vincent Price soundtrack of fiendish laughter when a person needs it?!]

Title: Re: Solo Calendaring
Post by: caf96 on August 30, 2001, 11:05:35 am
We use Outlook calendars like CRAZY here.  I maintain my boss' calendar plus add to a few supervisors (not really maintain). I found on Shareware a really great software which takes your daily calendar straight from Outlook and dumps it into a Word document calendar - it lists people attending meetings, etc. I print one of those for him on a daily basis.

Title: Re: Solo Calendaring
Post by: jewels6567 on August 30, 2001, 11:13:29 am
We also use Outlook calendars.  I have access to bossy's but we both use it.  He'll usually get me to schedule his meetings but anything personal or if it's a quick request he does himself.  Bossy always prints out a copy of his calendar each day though to keep extra notes on and such.  He keeps these in a file in case he needs to go back.


Title: Re: Solo Calendaring
Post by: hightechea on August 31, 2001, 12:32:14 am
caf96-could you tell me the site url for the shareware for use with outlook.  thanks, Robin