Title: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on November 29, 2010, 11:07:41 am Hope everyone in the UK is well and not too snowed in.
Getting to work wasn't as bad as I had imagined this morning, and although the online forecast is dry and bright for next few days, experts are still predicting more snow. I have Christmas lunch with work on Friday...seems way to early for all that yet but fingers crossed all goes to plan. My cousin is off to Cape Town for Christmas/New Year on 10 Dec...am so jealous, I could do with some sun! 8) Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: JessW on November 29, 2010, 01:43:39 pm Gee, what snow? Not seen any yet, but looking forward to trains not working at all into London (hopefully they will be kind and let me have it as a freebie day off!).
Agreed about the jammy one going to Cape Town, but hope Cousin has a good time and brings you back something nice! Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on November 29, 2010, 02:05:38 pm Ha ha...never mind snow, my boss is in London today.
Don't know what's worse - the weather here or the tube strike there?? Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: Cozwaz on November 29, 2010, 02:42:55 pm Drove into work fine this morning - infact worst bit of road was right in out, out in the country where I am now living with my BF all the lanes are fine!.
We had about 4", BF got the quad bike out on Saturday morning - tied the sled to it and pulled the kids round the field - great fun. Lets have some more, BF's daughter does a little snow dance before the gets into bed at night at the moment to hope it brings move snow so her Dad and I can have a day off work and her and her brother day off school so we can have a day playing in lots and lots of snow. More light snow showers on its way for here apprently this afternoo but there are some lovely blue skies around at the moment. Gee do you think your cousin could get a few of us in their suitcase lol Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on November 29, 2010, 02:58:14 pm Coz,
That sounds like a lovely family day out...glad you are settling in. Still got blue skies here too, but winds are picking up. I think being kidnapped is the only chance I have of escaping! Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: Jackie G on November 29, 2010, 04:53:15 pm there's tons (literally) here - up to my wellies and over them, in fact! And it's still snowing! I don't think I'll be able to get my car out of my drive in the foreseeable future as it's a side road (dead end) that is unlikely to be gritted until we have a week of this stuff. We actually need a snowplough to clear the road or nobody except my neighbour, who has a 4x4 but sadly lives right at the end of the road, can get out.
Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: peaches2160 on November 30, 2010, 03:48:42 am Wow! Have not see snow here yet in the southern US. Rain, and cold has set in, but no snow and ice. Hopefully it will stay away until January or so. Although, a white Christmas would be a nice touch. Stay warm my UK friends!
Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: Cozwaz on November 30, 2010, 09:31:56 am Just a light dusting over night - BF's daughter very disappointed, she is desparate for a day playing in the snow!. Also its her birthday tomorrow, bet she will be snow dancing like made tonight so she can have tomorrow off lol
Jackie - send some down here :) Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on November 30, 2010, 09:42:30 am Coz,
100 schools closed in NI yesterday...some parts got it bad. Disrupted flights today causing havoc for travellers. Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: JessW on November 30, 2010, 01:02:59 pm Gee, I spoke too soon - it took me 2.75hrs to get home last night (when it started to snow!) and 3.5hrs to get into work, having left early as well.
My journey usually takes me 1.15hrs in the morning and 1.5hrs at night (due to when the trains are timetabled I have to wait a short while). About 3-4 inches of snow on my car, but at least not as bad as my dad in York with 21cm mof snow in his garden! Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on November 30, 2010, 01:22:02 pm Oooh no!
I think I would rather be totally snowed in, instead of spending hours trying to get to work, only to leave early to try and get home again. Dry and sunny here again today so here's hoping the worst is over for the moment. Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: JessW on November 30, 2010, 01:31:53 pm I doubt very much whether I will get to leave work early - never happened yet! >:(
Glad your weather is a bit better today! ;) Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: JessW on December 01, 2010, 07:59:25 am It took me 3 hours to get home last night. That means I travelled for 6.5 hours yesterday but only worked about 5 hours - and all to pay the bills!
Hope everyone else with adverse weather is coping and keeping warm! Wish me luck. I'm going out! Jjjjjjjeeeeeeessssssss ::) Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: JessW on December 01, 2010, 08:00:38 am PS - my last post was actually done just before 7am and not just before 8am as the clock says!
Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on December 01, 2010, 09:15:18 am Jess,
Your posting reads 06.59 by me. I feel sorry for anyone having to spend hours travelling to and from work in these wintry weather conditions. That's what I meant about hardly worth making the effort to get to work when all you do is spend hours travelling to get there and then hours travelling home again. Employers should really consider allowing certain individuals to work from home on these occasions, where possible. Although the main roads are ok where I am, the streets with left over snow have now frozen. It was literally like driving over glass getting out this morning. Thank heavens I have done most of my Christmas shopping. :D Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: Cozwaz on December 01, 2010, 10:39:09 am I am so lucky - roads still clear so I can get into work but took me 25 mins from BFs house this morning rather than 15mins.
BF's daughter eventually got her birthday wish this morning - she had a great time opening all her pressies before breakfast, then we found out that BF's Son's school is close due to lots of snow but hers was still open. She was really disappointed but then not long after she found out her school was closed too - so both kids are happy and have gone off to work with their Dad :) Birthday tea to look forward to tonight :) Hope everyone got into work safely. Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on December 01, 2010, 10:44:37 am Aww a lovely birthday surprise!
Can someone tell me why schools close but workplaces don't?! :( Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: Cozwaz on December 01, 2010, 11:18:30 am I wouldn't mind knowing the answer to that too Gee
I guess schools just don't want the responsibility of the kids in this weather - H & S and all that! I know someone who is a Year Tutor at my BF's Sons School and she said she felt awful the other day telling the kids not to throw snowballs when the kids just want to have fun! Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: Jackie G on December 01, 2010, 05:15:58 pm I am still stuck at home, as I can't get my car out. However, I actually heard the motorway I drive on mentioned as being 'very poor' this morning, and friends at work have been posting snow photos on a social networking site. Needless to say, the town where I currently work is very high up, and so there's lots of snow, so I'm actually quite glad not to be there.
Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: Cozwaz on December 02, 2010, 10:47:15 am I am in work again today - Kids are off school, (their schools are out in the country), so spending the day with family friends, BF has borrowed a friends 4 x 4 to get to work today!
All the schools in town are closed - yet all the roads are find - its just not right in my books! Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on December 02, 2010, 10:52:26 am I know, it doesn't seem right at all.
We have another bright n sunny day here which we have had all week, but it's very cold. The main roads are fine, snow has disappeared except in and around the residential areas, it's literally glass. I have spend the last couple of days cancelling, rescheduling and amending travel plans, and yet people still want to travel to the mainland next week. Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: JessW on December 02, 2010, 11:20:41 am nothing worth a you-know-what coming in or out of home town into London. Systemic and sporadic signal failure.
I did try to get into work, but have been told not to worry. I cannot feel my toes! Send whiskey! Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on December 03, 2010, 11:24:33 am Ah be-jaysus...
Only in Ireland could you have a snow-free week, for it to snow a blizzard in time for Christmas lunch! It's not until 2.30pm today so still weighing up my options - - taxi it there and hope I can taxi it back - drive part way, take a bus and do same on return - dig out my sleigh and jingle all the way!! :D Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: JessW on December 03, 2010, 12:02:16 pm :D
Gee At least yours is lunch! Al at our office convinced management to pay for an evening xmas do tonight! Hardly anyone in the office today, so guess who is not a happy bunny? Yep, our Al (especially as most of the train companies going south say they are stopping running trains early this evening! Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on December 03, 2010, 01:44:47 pm That's too bad...bah humbug!
Well I'm taxi-ing it. Snow has stopped and I think main roads are passable so we shall make the most of it. Have a good weekend all. Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: JessW on December 03, 2010, 04:16:36 pm Hope your lunch was really fun!
Keep warm and I will think of you when I am off al next week, staying at home, sleeping late (mmm, nice dream - as if that will happen!) :P Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: Cozwaz on December 06, 2010, 09:33:54 am Hope you have a fab week off Jess - not jealous at all!!! hehe
Def keeping warm or trying too - was -11 last night when i took the dogs out abotu 5.30pm bbbrrrrr Gee - how was lunch? Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on December 06, 2010, 10:32:57 am Lunch was great, thanks. Everyone made it.
Unfortunately it was too cold too queue for the beer tents at the Christmas market and also just as cold to wander round the various stalls, so we headed to a bar nearby and stayed there for the night. I left around 11pm and had a very lazy weekend. Poised for more snow today according to the Met Office. Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on December 06, 2010, 05:30:09 pm Well yes the snow arrived as forecast. I left work just before 3pm much to the amazement of some others but am so glad I left when I did.
About 3-4 inches has fallen and more so there was no hesitation about getting home safe. Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: Cozwaz on December 10, 2010, 01:35:53 pm Well I have never known the snow to melt as quickly as it has done in the last 24 hours - amazing! I can even notice how much warmer it is.
Last night went to bed, half an hour later BF and I heard dripping - turned out a pipe had burst in the attic and was water was dripping through BFs daughters bedroom in several places. BF didn't even think to wake up his daughter up and get her out of her bed as water was dripping on her - however I did and stuck her in our bed for a while then moved her into the spare room once BF had got the water turned off and we could go back to sleep. Thankfully, think the ceiling will be ok - did put a couple of small holes in it to get the water out as quickly as possible - just need to fill in the holes and repaint the ceiling. Hope you are all ok and not thawing out too quickly too! Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on December 10, 2010, 07:32:32 pm Coz,
Hope all is sorted. Seems the thaw is almost as bad as the freeze itself, although it is so much better now the snow has finally melted. Enjoy the weekend all and stay warm. PS. Hope you enjoyed your week off Jess. Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: JessW on December 11, 2010, 10:14:51 am :D Gee
Am loving it! Although the weather forecast I saw yesterday said snow at home and London by Tuesday afternoon! Deep joy! Just in time to go back to work! Mind you, have bought myself a new thermos flask to goin my handbag (hope it doesn't leak :-\!) Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: peaches2160 on December 13, 2010, 12:05:33 am Snow here today in the southern US. Just a dusting, but pretty. Hope to see more fall so working from home will be an option tomorrow.
Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on December 13, 2010, 09:30:21 am Well after 2 weeks of snow and severe frosty weather, it all clears up only for me to get a cold! I'm supposed to be out for dinner this Friday - typical!
Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on December 17, 2010, 12:41:47 pm Everyone was looking forward to our girlie pamper weekend but sadly we are snowed in and the roads impassable.
I am sooo bored. I had already booked today off work but that means I can't get out to do anything which is sooo annoying. Bah double humbug! :( Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: JessW on December 17, 2010, 09:22:45 pm Calm down, Gee. It is only snow!
Anyhow, could be worse. I didn't even wait for the snow and ice that fell across London and Kent today to go face first into the pavement. Yesterday I tripped over a paving slab dumped on the pavement and now my entire left arm feels like it is so much mush. Painful to pick up things and the lift buttons, but not broken (or otherwise I would not be able to type!). Stay warm everyone! :D Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on December 18, 2010, 02:31:17 pm Only snow? I spent the guts of half an hour earlier this morning shovelling the damn stuff from the driveway, in order to get out, to get food shopping. I'm still ill, with a temperature and thought I was going to faint, Gillian McKeith style, in the supermarket. Luckily I got home in one piece and will be staying put until Monday.
You are the third person I know who has injured themselves - you sure it's not fractured or broken? I detest this weather. It only causes problems for everyone. Thankfully I managed to get out and get what I needed, including more drugs! :P Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: JessW on December 18, 2010, 09:03:00 pm Gee, I will survive, but you must be careful if you have a temperature as well.
Anywho, my car is stranded at the bottom of the hill I live in because I ended up driving to B&Q after the heavy snow fell. It took me half an hour with 1 slippy moment where I nearly slid backwards into someone, but I got there. I then drove very slowly back home, only to get stuck :-X. And all because the workman wanted more floor tiles to finish off the bathroom refit that has left us with no functioning toilet. The other loo flush is bust so we are resorting to using 2 buckets of water to force flush it! Gee, and indeed everyone. Stay safe, stay in touch (if you can) and hope everyone's families are also staying safe, well and warm! ;) Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on December 19, 2010, 12:18:08 pm Oh heck Jess, not good!
Well we had more snow last night. My sis got car stuck twice yesterday, I was surprised she went out last night. Both yesterday and today the sun has the cheek to rear it's head....if only there was some heat behind it to melt the snow. I doubt very much if I will get to work this week - I refuse to dig the snow out again in favour of my health. I booked travel for 3 guys to Indonesia last week. They were due to fly back yesterday, to catch a flight from LHR this morning. I am not sure they will get back today at all. Title: Re: Early Snow! Post by: gee4 on December 20, 2010, 11:15:05 am Well I made it to work today - took around 45mins compared to 15-20mins. The snow is not melting any time soon!
My guys in Indonesia got delayed in Abu Dhabi, and were told they couldn't get a flight until Thur. However our travel agent has managed to get them on a flight this morning but they will have to drive from LHR to BHX and take a flight from there to NI. I am finishing at lunchtime today, not risking any more travel to work. It's quiet here today, most people have not made it in, including my boss. Hope you all manage to have a warm and safe Christmas. |