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General Discussion => Topical Climates => Topic started by: venim102 on November 05, 2001, 06:52:57 pm

Title: Way To Go Diamondbacks!!
Post by: venim102 on November 05, 2001, 06:52:57 pm
Wahooooo!  Congratulations Arizona Diamondbacks!

Who would ever think that we could win a world title?  With the little luck we've had with our professional sports teams, this was needed.  Four years ago, Jerry Colangelo told Arizona that he would give us a professional baseball team along with a brand new ballpark for them to play in.  We actually believed this would never happen or at least not anytime soon.  It all happened so fast, and against the greatest baseball team there ever was!

Just had to post.  
Feeling on top of the world here in Phoenix, Arizona....

Title: Re: Way To Go Diamondbacks!!
Post by: whitesatin on November 05, 2001, 08:42:47 pm

Are you saying that the Arizona Diamondbacks won the World Series?  If so, I hadn't heard.  If so, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!  Nice to have the new kid on the block win instead of the same few teams all of the time.


Title: Re: Way To Go Diamondbacks!!
Post by: chris68 on November 05, 2001, 10:02:50 pm
White Satin,

Yes the Diamondbacks won the world series in the bottom of the ninth.  It was 2-1 Yankees leading.  At the end Diamondbacks came back from behind and won with two points to make it 3-2 Diamondbacks!  If I have it correctly, it was late EST when I was watching, and Jeeter was injured.  Not that that had anything to do with loosing the World Series.

Yes, my heart was routing for Yankees after all the tragety in NY, but it is nice to FINALLY have a new winner and especially nice since they are a relatively new expansion team.

Deskdemon Forum Board Staff

Title: Re: Way To Go Diamondbacks!!
Post by: whitesatin on November 05, 2001, 11:58:19 pm
That's a great attitude you have there Chris.  I know you are probably a Yankee's fan because you live in New York.  Sorry your team lost, but I agree that it is nice to give someone else a chance once in a while.  There's always next year!


Title: Re: Way To Go Diamondbacks!!
Post by: chris68 on November 06, 2001, 12:48:43 am
Well, NO I am not a Yankee fan, in fact, NOT a baseball fan, but know lots of people here that are......but I suppose they probably don't share my attitude, but some folks share the next year though.

Deskdemon Forum Board Staff

Title: That was a VERY EXCITING World Series!
Post by: superninjaadmin on November 06, 2001, 02:22:07 am
Talk about nail biters!  Wow!  Very fun to watch those games play out.  

I'm not a Yankee fan, or a big baseball fan for that matter, but I'll take baseball over American football any day.  I was rooting for the underdog, and glad to see that Arizona won the pennant.  

Title: Re: That was a VERY EXCITING World Series!
Post by: chris68 on November 06, 2001, 02:33:30 am
I agree, if all baseball games were THAT good, I guess I would have to be a baseball fan, but then we wouldn't have the World Series I guess.  It was definetly a great series.

Deskdemon Forum Board Staff

Title: Re: Way To Go Diamondbacks!!
Post by: Judy Loux on November 06, 2001, 01:01:13 pm
Wahooooo! Congratulations Arizona Diamondbacks!  Add my congratulations to the great Arizona team.  They worked very hard to get where they are.  Series Winners and sporting the new jewelry.


Title: Re: Way To Go Diamondbacks!!
Post by: tnvolgalcps on November 08, 2001, 05:22:53 am
I'm adding my congrats! I am probably one of the biggest anti-Yankees fans around and anyone that beats them is tops in my book. Personally, I'm an Atlanta Braves fan...hated that the D'backs knocked us out of the series but realize that the D'backs were probably the only team that could beat the Yankees, particularly because of the great pitching of Schilling and Johnson. Great games...all of them...but, the Braves will be back!

Judy in TN