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General Discussion => Topical Climates => Topic started by: radaro on October 03, 2001, 11:17:23 am

Title: It had to happen
Post by: radaro on October 03, 2001, 11:17:23 am
In the days following September 11, there have been all sorts of scams, conspiracy theories, etc. flying around.  I know I have received one or two e-Mails with questionable messages.  Here is a good article about the scams going around.


Title: Re: It had to happen
Post by: dragonladybug on October 04, 2001, 08:23:05 am
Even worse - there have been two reports of people filing missing persons reports for people who don't exist - for the money, I guess.

There was a man who claimed his wife and 6 y/o daughter were in the WTC - complete with tears on TV.  But his sister and ex-wife refuted his statements, saying he does have a daughter but she's a teenager who's perfectly safe.

There was another one where a woman claimed her husband was missing - but she'd never been married.