Title: Rain, Rain and....more Rain Post by: gee4 on April 18, 2012, 08:11:44 am I swear the mornings are actually getting darker instead of brighter.
Gonna be one longggg day - first time in ages my boss and one entire project team are away on various business trips. I will definitely be leaving early today. Title: Re: Rain, Rain and....more Rain Post by: JessW on April 19, 2012, 07:49:46 am Another drizzly day, and I have dug out my M&S thermals to keep warm! :o
Roll on summer! :( Title: Re: Rain, Rain and....more Rain Post by: Chatham Lady on April 24, 2012, 01:25:14 pm Hi there, we've put the heating back on at home and have to keep putting the washing on the airer as I can't take a chance with these April showers (or should I say downpours!)